Story of 100 Inc.

A chaos map of in-house tools is available.

100 inc has a lot of tools. For employees, the daily routine is that they are tools that they love and interact with as if they were breathing. For employees, these are beloved tools that they come into contact with on a daily basis as if they were breathing, without even being aware of it.

To stay "half a step ahead of the curve," we at 100inc value the stance of being aware of trends and trying out new tools and services first. We do not introduce new tools and services blindly.

We work locally on our PCs as much as possible, and work in the cloud.
Proactively incorporate tools that work with HubSpot.
If it is expected to be easy to use, convenient, and efficient, we will replace it as soon as possible.
Use the data by linking and synchronizing between tools.
Naturally, there are no security issues.

We are taking the stance that we will not only increase the number of tools, but also increase the number of users. As a result, we are not only increasing the number of tools, but also reviewing them at the same time, so you could say that we are gradually refining them.

Nevertheless, I think it is true that there are relatively many tools in the company, so I dare to publish a tool chaos map of the company and hope to eliminate the "gap between before and after joining" even a little.

We are HubSpot LOVERS

Aside from their outstanding platform that makes your business grow and the concept of inbound marketing,
We were drawn to HubSpot because of their inbound approach, the way they focus on their customers and their unwavering philosophy.
All of this is what attracted us to HubSpot, and that's why we are working with HubSpot as their partner.
Please contact us for any questions about HubSpot, marketing and Sales strategy, organization building and ets.

Grow with HubSpot and 100 Inc. together

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